Hi lovelies!
The title of this post pretty much sums up the topic here. Which normally the title should.
So where have I been? Right here of course! I must say that connecting with you on Instagram is definitely my preference, however, getting into more detail on here is necessary.
Bouquet by Flowers for Dreams
Given the weather, life, packed away clothes, apartment stress, and birthdays, my OOTD posts have taken a break. Although I do have some goodies coming your way.
In the last month, Jeisson and I both celebrated birthdays, we began packing for our move, and I am going to try out lashes! Thrilling stuff right? I see a lot of bloggers post about the importance of “me time” and to regroup once in a while. I guess this is just natural when it comes to my blog-life balance. SO never be alarmed. I’m here.
A part of me also knows that although I look forward to warmer weather, spring fashion is always a challenge me for. Why?
Well I don’t like pastels. Looking at LC Lauren Conrad floral samples all day makes me steer away from florals when shopping. And WI is terrible. So I have to try harder to make pops of color work for me–it’s hard saying goodbye to black ya know?